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Cardiometry, № 30, Февраль 2024 :: Научный журнал

Cardiometry is an open access electronic journal founded in 2012. Since 2021, due to the Covid pandemic and an increase in the research article number received, regular issues are 4 times a year scheduled as follows: February, May, August, and November. It refers to medicine, particularly to cardiology, as well as oncocardiology and allied science of biophysics, bio-engineering and medical equipment engineering. We publish mainly high quality original articles, reports, case reports, reviews and lectures in the field of the theory of cardiovascular system functioning, principles of cardiometry, its diagnostic methods, cardiovascular system therapy from the aspect of cardiometry, system and particular approaches to maintaining health, engineering peculiarities applicable to cardiometry developing. The interdisciplinary areas of the journal are: hemodynamics and bio-fluid dynamics, biophysics, biochemistry, metrology, healthcare management and marketing, challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The target audience of our Journal covers healthcare providers including cardiologists and general practitioners, bio-engineers, biophysics, medical equipment, designers and developers of bio-medical diagnostics devices, educators, nurses, healthcare decision-makers, cardiology staff, medical and engineering universities and schools, public and private clinics. Cardiometry is aimed to provide a wide forum for exchange of relevant information and a platform for public discussion on above scientific issues for the expert community.

Ключевые даты

  • Окончание приема статей — 30.01.2024;
  • Окончание приема оплат — 15.02.2024;
  • Дата публикации номера — 29.02.2024.



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Russian New University